The Anti Smoking Campaign

Welcome to “and I don’t smoke” – the anti smoking campaign.

Intelligent people don’t smoke, scientists and doctors don’t smoke, educated people don’t smoke, athletes don’t smoke. They know why. Help us set an example and social norm of non-smoking and spread it to all humans on the planet.

Why yet an other anti smoking campaign? – you might be asking. The thing is that most anti smoking campaigns focus on the bad things that happen to smokers and give all that negative imagery. They use negative incentives. We think that something a bit more positive might work better. This is how this anti smoking campaign focusing on the benefits of non-smoking and positive associations came to be.

Need Help Quitting? - Click here!

Those Who Know Don’t Smoke

Smart People Don’t Smoke

Smoking isn’t healthy. Smart people realize that and act by it. Studies show a strong inverse correlation between IQ and smoking.

The question now is: Is it just that intelligent people are less likely to continue smoking or is smoking harmful for your IQ? Read on for the answer and the evidence showing that Smart People Don’t Smoke.

Scientists Don’t Smokescience

Scientists and doctors are the ones who should know best about smoking and health. Not surprisingly these professionals are listed in the professions with the lowest smoking rates.

Have a look at how much the smoking rates differ between scientists and the general public: Scientists don’t smoke.

Sporty People Don’t Smokestrong

For many people the first step to becoming an athletic, sporty super hero is … to stop smoking.

It’s not only the strength that is impacted by continuing to smoke, but a wide variety of physiological parameters including speed and endurance. Read more on non-smoking sports …

Help Them!

There are still many people smoking. According to WHO Report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2015 the smoking rate for cigarettes alone is still 18% in the US and rates are even higher for developing countries. This might well be due to those folks not realizing that this is not something smart people do. Some might just be suppressing this knowledge.

Help people around you who are still smoking to realize that it might not be the smartest choice. Join us in making non-smoking the social norm for all smart, educated people and all those who want to conceive of themselves as smart or intelligent or educated. So frankly for everybody. But don’t use negative messages like all those other campaigns. Give it a positive spin and focus on what can be gained by quitting.


By joining this effort you are giving the people around you a chance to:

  • be more healthy,
  • better off financially and
  • have a happier life.

Take Action

Have your t-shirt printed at your local copy shop with our free designs.

– or –

Buy your campaign t-shirt from the and-I-don’t-shop. Premium quality guaranteed and you support this and similar campaigns.

campaign t-shirts

To provide fast delivery and low shipping there is a separate Europe shop and a USA & Rest of the World shop.

Spread the Word

Join us in spreading the word!

  • Wear your t-shirt,
  • upload a photo and share it with
    • your friends,
    • their friends,
    • the world
    • & us,
  • add a link that leads here,
  • watch the world around you becoming a better, less smoky place.