Why This Campaign?

Why create this campaign? – You might ask. There are enough anti smoking campaigns around – aren’t there? Well there are, but they do focus on negative incentives. Repugnant imagery of what smoking does to you and numbers of life years lost. This is something we didn’t like. Something we wanted to change.

addict-84430Would you wear a t-shirt showing destroyed lungs, terminally sick Joe Chemo or even just the ugly picture of an ash tray? no? Something like that simply can’t go viral. It can not spread if it isn’t something you can like. There is no I hate it button around…

In the US the Surgeon General warns:

Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy.

Well that simply isn’t a likeable message – or is it?

sunset-644100_bThis campaign is different. We wanted to create a positive message. A message that spreads. A message that you can proudly carry into the world and that can save lives by spreading. A message that simply tells people that smoking isn’t the smart thing to do. A message like:

I am smart. I don’t smoke.

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